Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Medical transcription: Why is dictation an important part of medical record creation?

Why document the patient-doctor encounter?
The documentation of the patient-doctor encounter takes place for a number of reasons, some of which are given below:

  1. Records provide the medical history of the patient enabling healthcare professionals to administer the best care possible.
  2. It is legally mandatory to maintain patient records.
  3. Patient records provide the basis for referrals
  4. Patient records are the basis on which insurance claims are made
  5. Patient records provide evidence in case of malpractice suits.

Having looked at the importance of having to create medical records, now the focus is on the process of record creation. Medical transcription plays an important part in the speedy and accurate creation of medical records. The medical transcription process starts when the doctor dictates notes of the patient encounter into a recording device.

Many people have questioned the necessity of the doctors dictating notes rather than directly typing out the reports. Let us examine why dictation is necessary:

Time: Time is a scarce commodity for healthcare professionals and dictating free style could be squeezed in at any time of the day, and would not require any equipment other than their phone. Dictating notes would also take less time than actually typing as it has been proven than people can talk faster than they can type.

Expertise: The skill set of a doctor may not necessarily include typing speedily and accurately.

Speed: A medical transcriptionist could have better typing speed than a doctor. Moreover the creation of patient records would be speedier by medical transcriptionists as this is their only work; therefore the focus is totally on this.

Ease of use: It is easier for the doctor to dictate into his recording device while doing other things than to sit and type out the report.

Expense: It is cheaper for a medical transcriptionist to transcribe the report rather than the doctor waste his expertise and productivity on this task.

It is therefore better for doctors to focus on their business; providing quality healthcare and for the medical transcription service provider to focus on their business; Expert medical transcription and medical record creation.

How to improve dictation quality?
We have looked at the advantages of dictating vis-à-vis typing, now let us focus on how dictation can be improved to improve the accuracy of the transcribed reports:

Given below are a few dictation tips towards accurate medical transcription:

  • Allot time for dictation: This will help the doctors to complete documenting the patient encounter when their memory is still fresh and capture all the details.

  • Allot space: Allotting a convenient space for dictation will ensure that factors like noise, distractions do not affect the quality of recording.

  • Collect papers: Collecting all the documents/reports required will help the doctor finish dictating accurately in less time.

  • Speak at a steady pace: Speaking a steady pace will ensure that words are not garbled and help the medical transcriptionist focus.

  • Spell difficult terms: Spelling difficult terms will ensure that the data captured is accurate.

  • Rewind and listen: Sometimes rewinding oneself and listening to the dictation will help clarity by highlighting the areas for improvement.

  • Know the equipment: Knowing the equipment being used for dictation will help the doctor to modulate his dictation, mike distance, stop/start features etc.

  • Relax while dictating: Treat the time spent dictating, as time for a break and this will help the doctor relax and capture all details.

  • Pause during interruptions: In case of any interruptions, it is better to use the pause button so that extraneous data is not captured.

Following these simple instructions will go a long way to help create accurate transcripts at an optimum turnaround time

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!

For more details about how to use TransDyne’s superior outsourced medical transcription services, click here.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Medical transcription outsourcing & Data security

Is outsourcing of patient records really unsafe?

There have been serious doubts about data security while outsourcing medical transcription. The case of Lubna Baloch from Pakistan who threatened to expose confidential data over the Internet for non-payment for services rendered has been used as an argument against outsourcing.

It is understandable that situations like this are worrisome and very traumatic for all parties concerned. But can this be cited as a case against outsourcing? To answer that question one needs to look at the case in question in great detail.

Let us examine the chain of events that led to the event in question:

UCSF medical Center outsourced it medical transcription work to

Sausalito’s Transcription Stat who outsourced it to

15 contractors throughout the country
One of the 15 contractors named Sonya Newburn further subcontracted the work to
Tom Spires who subcontracted to
Lubna Baloch

It can clearly be seen that the healthcare facility originally outsourcing its’ medical transcription needs had no idea as to who is actually doing their work. Even the medical transcription service provider who was under contract with them had no control over the end transcriber.

The lesson to be learnt from this situation is that while outsourcing the medical transcription needs of a healthcare facility, care should be taken to ensure to choose a medical transcription service provider that does not use sub contractors for executing the work. Due diligence on the working methods of the medical transcription service provider should be carried out; care should be taken at the time of drafting the contract to ensure that the “no sub contractor clause” is included.

TransDyne is one medical transcription service provider, which believes it is their privilege to be serving their customers’ needs in the best way possible. So any work outsourced to TransDyne, is executed by their own team of trained medical transcriptionists than by the use of subcontractors or home transcriptionists.

Apart from ensuring that the data never leaves the premises physically, TransDyne ensures security during the process medical transcription by incorporating security measures like 128-bit data encryption, multi-tiered application architecture, design level security, safeguards, firewall protected networks, sterilized e-mail servers, denial of access procedure and multi modal alerts.

Further security is ensured by manned security at entry and exit points, surveillance cameras, dis-allowance of any removable storage devices and limited access of systems and information on a need to know basis. The people working on the transcription have also been educated on the importance of being HIPAA compliant. Undertakings have been taken from the personnel to further ensure confidentiality.

Choosing a professional and committed medical transcription service provider like TransDyne would ensure that the healthcare facility would enjoy not only the cost saving benefits of outsourcing but also other benefits like accuracy, turnaround time, , technology that is easy to use and the knowledge that patient data confidentiality is maintained. Outsourcing medical transcription to TransDyne also provides other benefits of like:

  1. Reducing capital investment with regards to medical transcription
  2. Managing fluctuating transcription report volumes and staffing issues for holidays and weekends.
  3. Reducing management expenses towards medical transcription
  4. Reduce human resources expenses connected to medical transcription
  5. Reduce direct labor cost
  6. Reduce It expenses
  7. Reduce real estate cost pertaining to medical transcription
  8. Improve information access
  9. Improve turnaround time
  10. Shorten the receivables cycle
  11. Concentrate on core business
  12. Take advantage of a single source solution

To avail outsourced medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Software and tools for medical transcription

What is the role of software and tools in the medical transcription process?

The process of medical transcription has evolved a long way from where it started. Gone are the days of sending records/ tapes through courier and receiving the finished transcripts in a similar manner. It is the digital age and technological advances have made it possible for the whole process to be fast and safe.

Time is a resource which is scarce for health care professionals therefore it becomes important that the medical transcription service provider chosen to take care of transcription needs should utilize technology which is advanced and secure and also simple to use.

The role of software and technology in the transcription process is as follows:

  • Dictation: Doctors need to have flexible options for dictating their notes so as to utilize their time in the best way possible.

  • Upload of documents: The dictated records then need to uploaded so that the process of transcription can take place

  • Delivery of finished transcripts: Once the audio records have been transcribed these need to be made available to the doctors for further use.

  • Archives: Medical records play an important part in many ways like further treatment, referrals, statutory requirements, billing and as evidence in case of litigation. Therefore it becomes important that the records are easily accessible.

  • HL7: Healthcare information may need to be further transmitted to various sources; the medical transcription company needs to have HL7 integration to make this possible. HL7 is a protocol developed for communication of health data to various entities without the meaning getting lost.
TransDyne a leading name in medical transcription believes that technology needs to be advanced so that the service provided is of the best standard, but should be simple to enable ease of use for healthcare professionals.

Some of the features of the software and tools used by TransDyne are as follows:

  • Smart upload: TransDyne offers doctors the choice of using modes of dictation they are already comfortable with. Then these files can be uploaded to the servers to be made available for transcription. Smart upload enables transfer of dictation files from the healthcare facility’s server to TransDyne’s server by checking for new dictations at pre-fixed intervals.

  • Web Delivery: TransDyne’s web delivery system tackles all issues related with tracking dictations, receiving documents and finding old files form the archives.

  • Smart Delivery: Smart delivery is an automated program that addresses the automatic downloads, saving files and printing needs of a healthcare facility.

  • HL7 integration: TransDyne can configure and send healthcare information as HL7 messages to the client’s EMR with no additional costs.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use.

To avail superior medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Medical transcription outsourcing: Managing erratic transcription volumes

Problems managing the fluctuations in the volume of transcription due to unpredictability of patient inflow and staffing fluctuations?

Managing the transcription volume for a healthcare organization would mean facing two main challenges:

The unpredictable volume of transcription needs
In the business of healthcare it is nearly impossible to predict the patient inflow to the healthcare facility. Thereby the volume of transcription to be handled can wildly fluctuate according to the volume of patients coming to the healthcare facility.

Managing in-house transcription staff schedules.
The in-house staff in a healthcare facility is prepared to handle a certain amount of transcription volume. Any excess volume of transcribed reports can create a serious lag in the processing of reports. Moreover issues like vacations, sick leaves etc can create a serious lag in generation of Transcribed reports.

These two issues can leave the healthcare facility with serious lags in generation of transcription reports that can in turn affect patient care and the receivables cycle.

What are the issues that arise due to lag in medical transcription?
Delay in medical transcription can have a spiraling effect in the following areas:

  • Increase in the cost per line of transcription: To keep up with varying volumes, the existing staff may either be underutilized or paid to overtime increasing the cost per line of transcription.
  • Wastage of resources: Resources like management staff, utilities and real estate would have to be allocated to manage overflow of transcription needs, which results in loss of opportunity costs.

  • Security issues: To meet urgent transcription needs, the excess work may be outsourced to independent contractors without ascertaining the security measures used by them, and this could result in security breaches.

  • Increase in the cost of information technology: Coordinating reports from various resources into the healthcare facility could mean additional IT costs.

Outsourcing medical transcription needs to a medical transcription service provider can solve both problems of fluctuating medical transcription needs and issues with staffing in one shot. The medical transcription service provider would have a huge pool of well-trained medical transcriptionists who can expertly transcribe reports on a timely basis, no matter what the volumes are. It would also ensure that the other issues arising out of delayed transcription would be solved at a stroke.

Hiring a professionally managed medical transcription service provider like TransDyne to take care of the healthcare facility’s medical transcription needs will solve both the problems of planning for volume as well as staff requirements. Not just that, TransDyne will also partner with the healthcare facility to try and bring down transcription costs by almost 40% and take care of any volume needs or any holiday staffing needs that may arise, leaving the management of the healthcare facility free to focus on other areas.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!

To avail efficient medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Medical transcription outsourcing: Cost benefit analysis.

Any business decision needs a good look at the options available and a detailed cost-benefit analysis to be successful and profitable. A healthcare facility faces numerous decisions to be made on a daily basis. Some of these are pertaining to the core business and some are towards services that support the core business. Generally these additional services do not directly contribute to the bottom line, but play an important role in the acceleration or slowing down of the revenue flow.

One such service is medical transcription, it does not directly contribute to the income stream of the healthcare facility, but efficient medical transcription can accelerate the receivables cycle and reduce costs. Therefore it is important to analyze the costs and benefits of in-house medical transcription versus the costs and benefits of outsourcing medical transcription.

Cost benefit analysis for in-house medical transcription:

Costs of in-house medical transcription
Benefits of in-house medical transcription

  • Salaries of medical transcriptionists
  • Real estate costs
  • Management expenses
  • Cost of utilities
  • Cost of in-house information technology (IT)
  • Cost of overflow medical transcription
  • Costs incurred due to delay in medical transcription.
  • Cost of equipment
  • Cost of training
  • Consumables

  • Single level of communication
  • Familiarity of the medical transcriptionists with the healthcare professionals.
  • Security

It can be seen from the above table that in-house medical transcription has hidden costs that dilute focus from the core business. And being dependent on in-house transcriptionists can create additional hassles for weekend and holiday medical transcription requirements. Any delay in medical transcription can in turn can affect both the quality of care and the receivables cycle.

Cost benefit analysis for outsourced medical transcription:

Cost of outsourced medical transcription Benefits of outsourced medical transcription

  • Cost of sourcing the right service provider, like the evaluation process and travel
  • Cost per line of transcription
  • Minor expenses for upgrading the healthcare facility systems to work in tandem with the service provider’s systems

  • Cost of transcription is restricted to the cost per line of transcription
  • Holiday and weekend requirements are covered automatically
  • Guaranteed turnaround time
  • Accuracy of above 99%
  • Security measures as regards to technology, processes and manpower are taken care of by the service provider during the medical transcription process.
  • There are added benefits like freeing up of resources like real estate, management and utilities
  • Training of medical transcriptionists are undertaken to cover the specialties of the healthcare professionals.
  • Automatic integration with the EMR/EHR systems is the possible.
  • Flexible and familiar modes of dictation can be retained
  • Information Technology needs is taken care of by the service provider.

Outsourcing medical transcription can help the healthcare facility in saving cost per line of transcription, quickening the receivables cycle, providing quality health care and freeing up of important resources, which can then be used of other purposes. However to avail all the benefits of outsourced medical transcription it is important to have a careful process of qualification and evaluation. The payoff from the lengthy selection process would have long-term benefits.

Outsourcing to a company like TransDyne, a leader in the medical transcription industry provides numerous benefits like medical transcription services with 99% accuracy, a guaranteed turnaround time of 24 hours with an option of 4-12 hours for STAT reports, technology that is advanced but easy to use and transcription through secure channels to ensure HIPAA compliance.

To avail superb medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Medical transcription: Turnaround time

Medical transcription is the process of converting the audio records of a patient-healthcare professional encounter into a typed format, which is then stored as part of the patient’s permanent health record. This record could be stored in paper format or as a soft copy. This ensures that information is available for the continued care of the patient. Moreover this record is also essential to initiate the process of reimbursement.

The quality of medical transcription services is evaluated on the basis of accuracy, turnaround time, pricing and security. The added benefit of medical transcription comes from the technology used by the medical transcription service provider, providing additional features that add value to the service.

As with any other service the value of the service comes from being available on time. In case of medical transcription this becomes even more important as it involves healthcare where having the right information can make a huge difference to the quality of healthcare. Having records on hand takes away the need to depend on memory or guesswork.

Turnaround time denotes the time between uploading the audio files to when the finished transcripts are made available to the healthcare professional. Most service providers guarantee turnaround time. The decision making process for choosing the right provider means that they should be evaluated on their ability to meet their commitment.

A healthcare facility needs to carefully evaluate the turnaround time guaranteed by the service provider. There are certain criteria that can be used to evaluate whether the guaranteed turnaround time will be delivered. Given below are some of the factors, which indicate the ability of the service provider to deliver on their guaranteed turnaround time:

  • Technology: Apart from convenience and security, technology used by the medical transcription service provider plays a significant role in meeting turnaround time guarantee. Convenient features like automatic upload for dictation, downloading finished transcripts, and backup systems can cut down the turnaround time. This would make work at both the healthcare facility and medical transcription service provider’s ends fast, safe and convenient.

  • Executing medical transcription work in-house: When a service provider executes all the medical transcription work outsourced to them, in-house, this not only ensures accuracy and security, but also cuts down the turnaround time. Factors like system failure, absenteeism and power failures at the subcontractors’ end can cause a lot of delays. Moreover subcontractors would treat work as just another job and not have the commitment to meet the turnaround time offered by the service provider.

  • Training methods used: As medical transcription work is totally dependent on the skill set of the people working on it, the training method used by the medical transcription service provider can fine-tune the turnaround time. Medical transcriptionists trained to be domain specialists could be able to execute accurate work at optimum speed from the very beginning.

  • Service provider’s experience in dealing with varied customer needs: The experience of the medical transcription service provider in dealing with healthcare facilities of all types would give them the experience to have tried and tested methods in place to produce quality work within the turnaround time promised.

  • Standardized quality check procedures: Having a standard method in place for producing work of accuracy levels promised can ensure that the turnaround time guarantee is met with.

TransDyne offers a turnaround time guarantee of 24 hours with an option of 4-12 hours for STAT reports. TransDyne meets the turnaround time commitment by using the latest technology, executing all medical transcription work in-house, training medical transcriptionists to be domain specialists, have experience in dealing with healthcare facilities with varied needs and has in place standardized quality check procedures.

Not only guaranteed turnaround time, TransDyne also offers medical transcription with an accuracy of above 99%, at fair and reasonable prices, through secure channels and with technology that is advanced but easy to use!

To know more about medical transcription services by TransDyne, click here.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Medical transcription services: At low costs

The dilemma of every healthcare facility during the decision making process for outsourcing is to determine which medical transcription service provider will deliver low cost medical transcription as promised. That is quality transcription, at low cost, within the turnaround time promised and without compromising the security of data. Once the process of choosing an outsourcer starts, the deluge of information available can be really confusing, often misleading. Medical transcription being such a critical function requires the healthcare facility to proceed with the outsourcing decision cautiously.

Given below are a few indicators that will help separate the wheat from the chaff and make the outsourcing process more effective.

  • Check for billing methods: Medical transcription service providers use several methods for billing that can often look attractive, but turn out to have hidden costs. Often the method of billing leaves a huge scope for manipulation. The billing method used for medical transcription needs to be definable, verifiable, measurable, consistent and fair & honest. There are various methods by which medical transcription work is billed; the billing could be based on page, report, and gross lines or by minutes of dictation. All these methods leave room for manipulation. The “character line” method of billing has been found to be adhering to the Billing Method Principles as prescribed by AHDI and gives a representation of fair charges for services rendered.
  • Check for training practices: Training methods used by the medical transcription service provider directly affect the accuracy level and the turnaround time times and this would have an indirect impact on the cost per line. A medical transcription service provider, which is committed to providing their customers with the best possible service would refine their training methods according to the need of the healthcare professionals. Medical transcriptionists trained in one or two specialties of medicine would be able to provide quality transcription within the promised turnaround time from the very beginning.

  • Check whether the medical transcription service provider uses subcontractors: Often it has been seen that medical transcription service providers further subcontract the work to subcontractors, which would result in dilution of quality, delay in turnaround time and compromise the security of the data. This indirectly impacts the cost per line of transaction.

  • Check for methods used to obtain the accuracy levels guaranteed: Often in the quest for meeting turnaround time, accuracy of reports generated could be compromised. This could lead to gross errors in reports and result in frequent mishaps.
  • Check for the technology used: The technology used by the medical transcription service provider not only affects the turnaround time, but also can have an impact on the technology spending of the healthcare facility. In some cases when the security measures are not adequate it could also affect the security of the data.

  • Check for success stories: The experience of the medical transcription service provider in providing solutions to healthcare facilities of various dimensions would clearly indicate the willingness of the service provider to tailor their services to the specific needs of the healthcare facilities, without adversely compromising cost, quality, turnaround time and security.
  • Check for open channels for customer service: The transition from in-house medical transcription to outsourced medical transcription can have a few hiccups in the beginning stages. A proactive customer service department can solve all minor issues from the very beginning. It is important to check whether the medical transcription service provider has open channels for response to queries.

TransDyne a leader in the medical transcription field offers customized solutions to suit the needs of healthcare facilities regardless of their size. TransDyne offers medical transcription services at reasonable rates using the “character line method of billing”. Care is taken to explain the price quoted and the methodology in detail, so that there are no ambiguities.

TransDyne believes in taking care of special needs of healthcare professionals by training their medical transcriptionists in one or two areas of medicine, enabling them to offer quality output from the very beginning.

TransDyne believes that it is their privilege to serve the needs of their customers personally that is why they do not use subcontractors to execute the work outsourced to them. This ensures the accuracy levels are met, security is not compromised and turnaround time is met with.

TransDyne ensures quality by adopting a four level quality check of medical transcriptionist, language proofreader, unit in charge and finally by the quality assurance team which tries to minimize errors before returning the finished reports.

TransDyne uses advance technology to ensure automatic uploads, downloads and archiving. TransDyne also uses appropriate measures like incorporating security measures like 128-bit data encryption, multi-tiered application architecture, design level security, safeguards, firewall protected networks, sterilized e-mail servers, denial of access procedure and multi modal alerts as security measures. This enables the healthcare facility to benefit from all this technology without requiring them to make huge investments.

TransDyne has been successfully serving some of the leading names in healthcare, the testimonials of some of these satisfied customers are available on their website.

TransDyne has open channels of communication, which enables them to solve any queries as soon as possible.

To know more about medical transcription services by TransDyne click here.

Medical transcription: Anticipating the needs of healthcare facilities

Outsourcing medical transcription to the right service provider has many advantages. The more obvious ones being accurate, timely, economical and secure creation of records. Apart from the obvious, outsourcing medical transcription has many strategic advantages, one of them being the service provider tailoring their services according to what the healthcare facility may require.

It is a well-known fact that the healthcare field is constantly evolving, new things are being discovered on a daily basis, both in terms of new ailments as well as new remedies in the form of medication, procedures, therapies and surgery methods. It is important that the person/s documenting the patient records be well versed with the latest developments. Moreover the norms for documentation as well technological changes in the medical transcription field also keep evolving. All these need to be incorporated without incurring additional costs.

How does outsourcing medical transcription help healthcare facilities cope up with the changing environment?
Outsourcing medical transcription can help healthcare facilities cope up with the changing environment by anticipating their needs and tailoring their services accordingly.

Solutions are provided for changing needs of the healthcare facilities by the following methods:

  • Training methods: Training methods adopted by the medical transcription service provider have impact on the following areas.

  1. Coping with varying volumes: By constantly recruiting and maintaining a large team of medical transcriptionists, the medical transcription service provider would be able to maintain accuracy levels and meet turnaround time commitments even with huge influx of patients.
  1. Dealing with specialties: A medical transcription service provider that creates specialist medical transcriptionists by training them in one or two specialties enables them to cope varying needs of the healthcare facilities, when new specialties are added. Moreover updating the medical transcriptionists on the latest developments in the particular specialty becomes more efficient. The medical transcriptionists are well versed with the terminology used and with the formats required enabling them to meet the highest standards of accuracy within optimum turnaround time.

  • Adopting technology: Technology adopted by the medical transcription service provider has impact on the following areas:

  1. Flexible uploads and downloads: Medical transcription uses technology for dictation, uploading of audio files and downloading of finished transcripts. The technology used by the medical transcription service provider needs to be advanced to cope with all these needs and at the time need to be easy to use.

  1. Powerful archiving: Healthcare facilities have a huge number of healthcare professionals dictating sizable volumes of dictation on a daily basis. The healthcare facility would also be receiving huge volume of transcribed files on a daily basis. Tracing these files, dictated as well as transcribed at any given point of time can be very difficult. Anticipating this the service provider needs to use a system which has powerful archival features to enable all these functions.
  1. Security: Security of data during transmission is on of the main concerns of healthcare facilities. Technology used by the service provider needs to provide for the security of data at all levels.

  1. Integration with EMR: Adoption of EMR needs that the service provider has HL7 interface to enable transmission of data into the EMR system without additional investment.

TransDyne is a professional medical transcription service provider that has always anticipated the needs of healthcare facilities and also incorporated the latest developments in the field of healthcare, while offering outsourced medical transcription solutions to healthcare facilities.

TransDyne offers medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use.

To avail outsourced medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Medical transcription: Outsourcing at low costs

The concept of outsourcing is not new to the world. The origin of outsourcing started with goods, when certain things especially of good quality and affordable prices could only be produced in certain places. This was generally because of geographical, climatic conditions and availability of skilled labor. This gave consumers the benefit of quality goods at low costs.

Outsourcing of services however has become possible only in the modern world with the advent of various means of transportation, communication and the advent of the Internet. It has made it truly easy for enterprises to concentrate on their core business and outsource non-core activities. This helps them consolidate their position and increase profits by containing costs. It is a well-known fact that it is cheaper to avail services from a source that is specialized in providing the service rather than executing it in-house.

The business of healthcare requires a high degree of skill and education, along with resources like investment and time. It is a highly specialized and essential service that requires total concentration. One of the main concerns in the field of healthcare is that of dilution of focus. There are various essential activities associated with healthcare that are not part of the core business, but require considerable resources and expertise. Medical transcription is one such activity. It forms the basis for continuity of quality care and the starting point for reimbursements.

Outsourcing medical transcription is an economical and efficient method to improve quality and turnaround. TransDyne provides professional medical transcription services with benefits like:

Pricing: TransDyne believes in offering a fair and verifiable price that will ensure the profit of the healthcare facility. TransDyne offers both competitive prices as well as quality work. TransDyne offers medical transcription work at the rate of 10 cents per 65-character line, which is much lower than the industry norms. The method of billing used by TransDyne ensures that the price is fair and verifiable.

Accuracy: TransDyne offers medical transcription with accuracy of 99% or above. TransDyne ensures quality by adopting a four level quality check of medical transcriptionist, language proofreader, unit in charge and finally by the quality assurance team which tries to minimize errors before returning the finished reports.

Turnaround time: TransDyne assures a turnaround time of 24 hours from the time of uploading the dictation file into our servers. STAT reports have a turnaround time of 4-12 hours. Turnaround time is guaranteed by using the right training methods and the right technology.

Security: TransDyne ensures secure medical transcription by incorporating security measures like 128-bit data encryption, multi-tiered application architecture, design level security, safeguards, firewall protected networks, sterilized e-mail servers, denial of access procedure and multi modal alerts.

Technology that is easy to use: TransDyne believes that technology should not only be advanced, but also be easy to use for the end user. TransDyne has made it very easy for the doctors to upload their dictation through various devices and also down load the transcribed files in a simple manner.

Outsourcing medical transcription to TransDyne offers all the advantages like the right price, the right technology, the right quality and optimum turnaround time without any of the operational hassles of in-house medical transcription. Apart from the obvious benefits outsourcing medical transcription has benefits like:

  • Savings on capital investments
  • Less strain on precious internal resources.
  • Renewed focus on core business
  • Improve strategic planning
  • Service around the clock

To avail outsourced medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Medical transcription: The success story

Medical transcription has been an integral part of healthcare, providing a low key but essential service for a long time. The reason behind the success of medical transcription is the ability of this industry to adapt to change.

To quote Darwin” It’s not the strongest or the largest of the species that survives, but the one most adaptable to change”

This has never been truer than for the medical transcription industry. Veterans in the industry would vouch for the changes that have taken place and the way medical transcription service providers and medical transcriptionists have adapted to these changes.

Medical transcription service providers have come a long way from the days of collecting tapes of healthcare professional’s dictation from the healthcare facility and typing them up and returning reports to the healthcare facility. With the advent of computers and the Internet, it has become possible for medical transcription service providers from remote locations to serve the needs of healthcare facilities in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Medical transcription has adapted to the technological changes admirably by adopting technology to improve all the standards of medical transcription work, namely:
  • Accuracy
  • Turnaround time
  • Pricing
  • Security of data.

Not only have service providers adapted themselves to new technology but also used technology for the maximum benefit of healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities, by providing additional features like:

The progress of medical transcription into the technological era has not been without pitfalls. There have been doubts about the sanctity and security of confidential patient data and the threat of being phased out by voice recognition software.

Security for medical transcription: Some of the leaders in the medical transcription industry like TransDyne have taken appropriate measures to secure technology by incorporating security measures like 128-bit data encryption, multi-tiered application architecture, design level security, safeguards, firewall protected networks, sterilized e-mail servers, denial of access procedure and multi modal alerts. Further security measures regarding the people and processes have totally secured the confidentiality of data.

Voice recognition software: Had been touted as a substitute for medical transcription. But with usage it has been proven that medical transcription is essential for voice recognition software to meet the standards of accuracy needed! Accuracy of data in transcribed report is probably the single most important feature of medical transcription as it plays an important role in both quality of healthcare and for coding & billing as part of the accounts receivable cycle. Voice recognition software has been known to give an accuracy of 60%-80%, after the software has been extensively trained on the healthcare professional’s voice and the appropriate technology. It is left to the medical transcriptionist to proofread the transcripts and correct it to achieve accepted accuracy levels.

TransDyne a leading name in the medical transcription industry has proven to be one of the foremost examples of the adaptability of a service provider. With the use of its extensive background in Information technology, TransDyne offers medical transcription services that are tailored to the needs of a healthcare facility, whether it is a single doctor practice, a multi-specialty clinic or a huge hospital with numerous divisions. TransDyne offers each a customized solution to meet their needs.

TransDyne offers medical transcription with an accuracy level of above 99%, turnaround time of 24 hours and 4-12 hours for STAT reports. Not only this, TransDyne has used its background in information technology to adopt latest technology to provide multiple benefits like absolute security of data, easy uploads & downloads of audio files, flexible modes of dictation, archiving facilities and HL7 integration. Using the right mix of people, process and technology, TransDyne provides immaculate medical transcription services at very reasonable rates.

To avail outsourced medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here