Friday, September 30, 2011

Medical transcription outsourcing: Providing major advantages

With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier for businesses around the globe to have access to better services giving them a competitive advantage. The healthcare sector has also benefited from this. In an increasingly demanding environment of increasing expenses and diminishing reimbursements it becomes imperative for healthcare facilities to concentrate on maintaining high levels of services by concentrating on their core business and outsourcing the rest. Medical transcription is one such activity that provides major benefits to healthcare facilities when outsourced.

Medical transcription is the process of creating patient medical records from the dictation provided by healthcare professionals regarding the patient encounter.  By creating patient medical records not only does medical transcription play an important role in the clinical decision making process, but also plays a significant role in the reimbursement process and certain aspects of risk management. As medical transcription is a specialized skill requiring the right combination of technology, teams and processes to meet all the quality criteria, it is prudent to outsource the entire process to a professional medical transcription service provider.

Outsourcing medical transcription to a professional medical transcription service provider provides the healthcare facility with major benefits, including:

  • Renewed focus on the core business: Though strictly speaking medical transcription is not part of the core business of the healthcare facility, it does play a significant role in the smooth running of healthcare facilities and needs a substantial investment in terms of time, money and resources. Outsourcing medical transcription affords the healthcare facility freedom to rest easy on the creation of patient medical records and concentrate on their core business of providing quality care.

  • Reduce or control costs: The cost of in-house medical transcription has a tendency to have many hidden costs that add to the burden. Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that the direct costs of medical transcription are significantly reduced and the indirect costs of medical transcription are controlled. Over time these savings have an impact on the bottom-line of the healthcare facility. Outsourcing medical transcription also ensures that patient medical records are created on time, helping accelerate the reimbursement process, thus helping improve the bottom-line.

  • Improve efficiency: Outsourcing medical transcription helps the healthcare professionals and the support staff improves on their efficiency. Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that healthcare professionals are allowed to retain their preferred modes of dictation helping them optimize their time. The healthcare facility support staff is benefited by the software and tools used by the medical transcription service provider, which helps them in numerous aspects.

  • Provide access to specialized skills: Outsourcing medical transcription to a competent service provider ensures that the healthcare facility not only has access to well trained and skilled medical transcriptionists as and when needed, but also provides them with access to the skills of other key people from the medical transcription service provider like the Information technology team, the administrative team etc.

  • Establish strategic partnership providing a competitive edge: Outsourcing medical transcription can help the healthcare facility forge a strategic alliance with the medical transcription service provider. This can help the healthcare facility concentrate their resources on becoming more competitive and leaving their unpredictable medical transcription needs to the service provider.

  • Provide value added services: Outsourcing medical transcription also provides several value added services which help the healthcare facilities cope with the changing healthcare documentation scenario. Factors like adoption of EM/EHR while still retaining the narrative part of the patient medical record by enabling HL7 interface, providing editing & proofreading services for speech recognition software transcription etc.

  • Increase customer satisfaction: Having the resources in place to ensure proper flow of information regarding the patient encounter can enable the healthcare professionals to better serve the needs of the patients. This results in increased customer satisfaction.

  • Benefit from the experience of the service provider: Healthcare facilities can cash in on the experience of the medical transcription service provider in having served the needs of disparate customers. This gives the service provider the skills to anticipate the needs of the healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities and provide proactive services.

It can be concluded that outsourcing to the right medical transcription service provider can provide major benefits to the healthcare facility, which permeate various levels of the healthcare facility.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide total medical transcription solutions.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!               

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Medical transcription: Transitioning to become an important component of clinical documentation

Given the increasing demand for quality healthcare services, there has been increase in the demand for all the components of quality healthcare. As the volume of people seeking healthcare services increase the need for quality documentation also increases, as it is a vital component that helps deliver quality healthcare consistently. Clinical documentation is the process of recording and communicating a written record of the patient- healthcare professional encounter consisting of assessment, inputs from other experts if needed, the diagnosis, the treatment plan, treatment provided, the progress of the patient's response to treatment, discharge and discharge instructions. The criteria for high quality clinical documentation are legibility, completeness, clarity, consistency, precision, reliability and timeliness.

To meet all these criteria and to be efficient, clinical documentation depends on narrative dictation, which then can be transcribed to be a part of the patient medical record. The process of converting the audio of the healthcare professionals' narration into text format is known as medical transcription.

In the recent past the Medical Transcription Industry Association has changed their name to Clinical documentation Industry Association. The reason behind this is to redefine the role of medical transcription in the changing healthcare documentation scenario by providing innovative solutions for EHR adoption and helping the timely and accurate capture of health information.

Considering the redefinition of medical transcription services and medical transcriptionists as clinical documentation specialists rather than mere typing services it is important to look at the changing role of medical transcription in the current scenario.

What is the changing role of medical transcription services in the current scenario?

Helping retain the narrative as part of patient medical record:
  • Helping retain the familiar dictation- transcription: Medical transcription can help healthcare professionals in the process of adopting EHR systems while still retaining the familiar method of dictation to medical transcription. This helps the narrative become part of the patient medical record providing a valuable diagnostic tool that aids in clinical decision making
  • Transitioning from transcribing to editing: In those instances where healthcare professionals are using speech recognition software to produce patient medical records, medical transcription services have evolved into editing and proofreading services that help in improving the quality of documentation

Helping retain the integrity of information: Though other methods of documentation like point and click entry or speech recognition software can help improve the turnaround time, the integrity of the information captured may be compromised. Medical transcription services help in this aspect by checking the integrity of the data and improving the accuracy tremendously.

Helping improve the productivity of healthcare professionals' time: Documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter using the dictation to medical transcription method helps increase the productivity of the healthcare professional and helps increase focus on the process of providing quality healthcare.

It can be seen that medical transcription services have evolved to become an important component of the healthcare documentation scenario, by providing medical transcription services that are accurate, flexible, convenient, timely, secure and cost effective using a combination of well trained medical transcriptionists, the right processes and the right technology.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has utilized their extensive background in information technology and their experience in providing medical transcription services to come up with medical transcription solutions that help healthcare facilities save on time, money and effort. TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Medical transcription outsourcing: Helping healthcare facilities operate successfully

Medical transcription services have been around almost as long as healthcare services, documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter. Though medical transcription has been around for a long time, these services have evolved from mere typing or data entry services to sophisticated services that contribute to the smooth running of healthcare facilities using the right technology, the right people and the right processes. One of the main factors that have been instrumental in this change has been due to the evolution of outsourced medical transcription service providers specializing in this service.

How do outsourced medical transcription services aid in the successful running of healthcare facilities?

To be successful and profitable, healthcare facilities have to basically concentrate on a few main areas, namely:

  • The ability to communicate health related information to the stakeholders in the healthcare chain: With the emergence of a move towards nationwide healthcare systems, one of the top priorities of healthcare facilities is to develop the ability to be able to exchange health related information in a secure and quick manner. To this end there has been a move to adopt EMR/EHR systems. Outsourced medical transcription service providers contribute to this process, by providing services that include:
1.      Document delivery modes that facilitate delivery of transcripts to multiple providers involved in the care process
2.      HL7 interface for adoption of EMR/ EHR while still retaining the preferred method of dictation to transcription

  • Risk management aspects: Another factor that affects the successful running of healthcare facilities is that of risk management. In an increasingly litigious environment, it is important for healthcare facilities to have robust measures in place to minimize risks. Moreover in an increasingly virtual world the information from patient medical records is vulnerable to misuse. Outsourced medical transcription service providers help in this aspect by ensuring the following:

1.      Helping preserve the narrative aspect of patient medical records helps in preserving the patient story and this plays an important role in judging the sequence of events and justifying the appropriateness of the treatment process
2.      Outsourced medical transcription service providers have measures in place with regard to technology, processes and infrastructure with regard to security of confidential patient information, which helps in risk management

  • Optimum pricing and revenue management: A healthy bottom line is a vital ingredient contributing to the successful functioning of a healthcare facility. To this end it is important to curb costs and accelerate revenue. Outsourced medical transcription service providers provide support in achieving this goal by enabling:

1.      Lowering cost of transcription by almost 40%.
2.      Eliminating all indirect cost of transcription
3.      As faster creation of patient medical records can help accelerate the reimbursement process, outsourced medical transcription services contribute in this aspect by maintaining a shorter turnaround time

  • Develop competencies in healthcare related to quality, cost and value of services: Though medical transcription has no direct connection with the healthcare process, it provides important support. Outsourced medical transcription service providers help in this aspect of the healthcare facility operations by enabling the following:
1.      Maintaining the integrity of the patient medical record by maintaining high levels of accuracy. This helps in providing continued care and keeping progress of the patient's progress among various other aspects
2.      Enables the healthcare professionals and support staff to have easy access to the patient medical records by providing archiving facilities. It becomes easier for healthcare professionals to access older transcripts using various search criteria.
3.      Helps shift the focus of the healthcare professional onto the patient rather than the process of documentation by allowing them to document the patient encounter via preferred and familiar methods.

It can be concluded that having a professional and technically proficient medical transcription service provider for medical transcription needs can help in the successful operations of the healthcare facility.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has utilized their extensive background in information technology and their experience in providing medical transcription services to come up with medical transcription solutions that help healthcare facilities save on time, money and effort. TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Medical transcription: Establishing a policy for continuous quality assurance

The importance of documenting the patient encounter is manifold as it helps in many aspects that contribute to the smooth running of healthcare facilities, besides being a statutory necessity. As healthcare services are critical it is important that the process of documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter be subject to certain norms. The patient – healthcare professional encounter can be documented by various means, one of the most preferred being medical transcription; a process which converts dictation to text.

As medical transcription has an important supporting role to play in the process of healthcare, a best practices guide titled “Healthcare Documentation Quality Assessment and Management Best Practices” has been jointly created by AHDI, MTIA and AHIMA. One of the highlights of this manual is alignment with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Each stage of the process is vital to ensure that the process of healthcare is documented keeping in mind that maintaining the highest standards of quality is a continuous process. The goal of this quality assessment program is to ensure that healthcare documentation is clear, consistent, accurate, complete and timely.

Act: Making a policy for quality assurance

As quality in medical transcription is not only vital, but also a continuous process, it is important for medical transcription service providers to have a quality assurance policy based on the following guidelines:

  • Apply the principles of quality while tailoring the quality assurance process specific to the organization
  • Assess the specific factors that affect outcome of the documentation process including the workflow, turnaround time and technology while establishing a quality assurance policy
  • Establish a budget specifically for implementing quality measures in the medical transcription process
  • It is important to not only specify the quality process but also make it available to every person involved in the medical transcription process including the medical transcriptionists, proofreaders, editors, quality assurance team etc
  • It is important to tweak the quality policy according to account specifications and update it constantly as per changing requirements
  • Make quality an automatic step in the workflow following audio to text without adversely affecting accuracy or turnaround time. This can be based on the account and experience of the medical transcriptionists. Concurrent reviews are needed for inexperienced medical transcriptionists to improve quality and retrospective reviews provide valuable inputs for learning
  • It is important to provide feedback on the results of the reviews to help improve performance of medical transcriptionists
  • Train the assessment staff
  • Establish and follow guidelines for the frequency of quality assessment
  • Provide all inputs and resources to medical transcriptionists and other staff to ensure quality output
TransDyne, a leader in the medical transcription industry has made quality a key word in their work processes. TransDyne has adopted the process of continuous and comprehensive quality improvement to improve quality of medical transcription at every level. TransDyne realizes that quality is continuous process and therefore Quality Guidelines are established and implemented at every level. This attitude of adopting quality as the basis of their services and their aptitude in information technology has helped them come up with easy to use medical transcription solutions that help save on time, money and efforts.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Medical transcription outsourcing: Reduces the burden of the support staff

The process healthcare cannot operate in isolation; being dependent on various sources for inputs and support. Healthcare services are  built on the premise of good quality inputs in the form of skills of healthcare professionals and other associated services like the medical equipment manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, laboratory services etc. for the smooth running of the medical and operational aspects. On the commercial and legal aspects, healthcare facilities have to coordinate with insurance providers and other statutory regulatory authorities.

To run a healthcare facility successfully is a huge effort requiring quality personnel to coordinate all the activities. One of the vital inputs that contribute to several aspects of successfully running a healthcare is information in patient medical records. Medical transcription is the process of creating patient medical records, converting the audio of the patient- healthcare professional  into text. As medical transcription is an essential activity that requires specialized inputs to ensure quality services, outsourcing medical transcription is a convenient option.

Outsourcing medical transcription has numerous advantages, which help in reducing the burden of support staff.

How does outsourcing medical transcription reduce the burden of support staff?

Outsourced medical transcription services provide support to support staff in the following:

  • Eliminate the need for recruiting medical transcription staff: Outsourcing medical transcription essentially eliminates the onerous process of recruiting, hiring and training medical transcriptionists.  This also essentially eliminates the need for organizing staff for extra transcription work or organizing medical transcription work during holidays and weekends.

  • Eliminate the need for a transcription platform: To be able to meet the turnaround time and HIPAA/ HITECH requirements, medical transcription needs an effective and efficient transcription system. This system needs to accept dictation from various modes, automatically check for audio files at prefixed intervals and transmit for transcription, provide various methods of document delivery, HL7 interface for EMR adoption, archives for easy retrieval of older transcripts etc. By outsourcing medical transcription all the software and tools required by the healthcare facility are provided by the outsourced service provider

  • Help in coordinating records management/ health information management: Medical transcription is an important aspect of health information management. Outsourced medical transcription service providers help in various aspects of HIM, by providing legible, accurate, timely, accessible, consistent, relevant and secure

  • Provide support in medico-legal aspects: Preserving the patient story in its entirety is an important aspect of recording the nuances of diagnosis, treatment and progress. Medical transcription aids in this by helping preserve the narrative.
  • Helps in budgeting and accelerating reimbursements: Outsourcing medical transcription is an effective method of cutting not only the direct costs of medical transcription but also the indirect costs of medical transcription. Moreover timely medical transcription helps in quickening reimbursements, as it provides the base information for coding and billing.

  • Helps meet statutory regulations: It is mandated by law that the patient medical record needs to be maintained for a certain period. Moreover with the recent mandate of adoption of nationwide electronic health systems, outsourced medical transcription services can play an important role in this aspect too.

It can be seen that outsourced medical transcription service providers provide valuable support to the efficient running of healthcare facilities, reducing the burden of support staff.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide total medical transcription solutions.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Medical transcription: Establishing a process for continuous quality improvement

The importance of documenting the patient encounter is manifold as it helps in many aspects that contribute to the smooth running of healthcare facilities, besides being a statutory necessity. As healthcare services are critical it is important that the process of documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter be subject to certain norms. The patient – healthcare professional encounter can be documented by various means, one of the most preferred being medical transcription; a process which converts dictation to text.

As medical transcription has an important supporting role to play in the process of healthcare, a best practices guide titled “Healthcare Documentation Quality Assessment and Management Best Practices” has been jointly created by AHDI, MTIA and AHIMA. One of the highlights of this manual is alignment with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Each stage of the process is vital to ensure that the process of healthcare is documented keeping in mind that maintaining the highest standards of quality is a continuous process. The goal of this quality assessment program is to ensure that healthcare documentation is clear, consistent, accurate, complete and timely.

Act: Continuous quality improvement

As quality is a key word in the medical transcription process, the process of improving quality should be proactive rather than reactive. That is the quality improvement program should aim at preventing errors from occurring rather than correct errors after they occur. To this end the key steps in a quality improvement program should be:

  • Review
  • Revise
  • Communicate
  • Monitor

The quality improvement program for medical transcription should focus on all aspects of medical transcription including:

  • Dictation devices: The quality of audio is a major contributor to the quality of medical transcription. It is important to address this issue by studying in detail all types of dictation devices to determine which one produces optimum output. It is also important to have a clear idea of the working of the device so as to avoid audio problems like clipped words, garbled words etc

  • Author education: As the healthcare professional is the originator of the transcript by providing a narration of the patient encounter, it is important to educate the author on dictation best practices.  These could include:
1.      Choosing the right dictation device
2.      Knowing the equipment
3.      Importance of choosing a noise free environment for dictation
4.      Practice of specifying type of report etc at the beginning of dictation
5.      Using the right pace of dictation
            It is also important to establish a forum for feedback that flows both ways between the             healthcare professional and medical transcriptionists

  • Medical transcriptionists: The responsibility of transcribing the dictation into transcripts rests for the most part on the medical transcriptionist. It is important to provide medical transcriptionists with the means to produce quality medical transcription. These could include:

1.     Provide training
2.     Provide resources
3.     Provide feedback
4.     Use feedback as learning opportunities
5.     Distribute samples for difficult authors
6.     Provide formats/ templates/ macros/ normal
7.     Assign mentors for new medical transcriptionists
8.     Provide incentives for quality

  • Account specific: This would address the issues specific to particular accounts making it easy for medical transcriptionists to produce quality. These could include:

1.      Easy to use account specification sheets
2.      Constantly update the information on account specification sheets
3.      Maintain up to date lists of healthcare professionals etc specific to the account

It can be seen that making quality improvement a continuous process can improve the quality of medical transcription to a great extent

TransDyne, a leader in the medical transcription industry has made quality a key word in their work processes. They have adopted the process of continuous and comprehensive quality improvement to improve quality of medical transcription at every level. This attitude of adopting quality as the basis of their services and their aptitude in information technology has helped them come up with easy to use medical transcription solutions that help save on time, money and efforts.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Medical transcription: Quality Guidelines to improve the quality of documentation

The importance of documenting the patient encounter is manifold as it helps in many aspects that contribute to the smooth running of healthcare facilities, besides being a statutory necessity. As healthcare services are critical it is important that the process of documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter be subject to certain norms. The patient – healthcare professional encounter can be documented by various means, one of the most preferred being medical transcription; a process which converts dictation to text.

As medical transcription has an important supporting role to play in the process of healthcare, a best practices guide titled “Healthcare Documentation Quality Assessment and Management Best Practices” has been jointly created by AHDI, MTIA and AHIMA. One of the highlights of this manual is alignment with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Each stage of the process is vital to ensure that the process of healthcare is documented keeping in mind that maintaining the highest standards of quality is a continuous process. The goal of this quality assessment program is to ensure that healthcare documentation is clear, consistent, accurate, complete and timely.

Check: Providing guidelines for quality assessment

Quality Guidelines are an essential tool for assessment of quality in medical transcription. It is important for healthcare facilities to assess the quality policy of the medical transcription service providers by determining the method of quality assurance and Quality Guidelines.

The Quality Guidelines for medical transcription have been categorized into two main categories:

Critical errors: Errors under this category have been a assigned a value of (-3)

The errors, which are considered critical errors, have been defined as those errors, which can have serious consequences due to their occurrence. These include:

  • Terminology misuse: An incorrect word can lead to a potentially dangerous situation resulting in the wrong diagnosis, the wrong medical decision and wrong billing. Implication of this error can permeate several levels.

  • Omission/ insertion: Omission of key words or insertion of the wrong word can adversely affect patient safety.

  • Incorrect patient demographics/ wrong author identification: This category could include the wrong identification of the patient, the wrong serial number, wrong medical record number, wrong date of encounter etc which could have long reaching implications

Non-critical errors: Errors under this category have been assigned a value of (-1)
Errors under this category have an overall impact on the accuracy and integrity of the document, but do not affect patient safety. These include:

  • Misspelling: This means the wrong spelling of words that compromise the integrity of the document

  • Incorrect verbiage: This refers to errors caused by inappropriate or excessive editing which do not have significant impact on the meaning of the document

  • Failure to flag: This refers to the failure of the medical transcriptionist to flag reports that need clarification

  • Protocol failure: This refers to not following protocol like failing to mark courtesy copy etc.

  • Formatting / account specification: This refers to the failure of the medical transcriptionist to follow the formatting or account specification

There are other errors, which have been categorized as providing feedback or educational opportunities, these include:

  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Plurals
  • Run on/ fragmented sentences
  • Abbreviations
  • Slang & inflammatory remarks
  • Abbreviations
  • Inconsequential typos and omissions
  • Capitalization of drug names
  • Incorrect word forms

TransDyne, a leader in outsourced medical transcription industry has made quality a keyword in all their processes, including the process for training. Medical transcriptionists are impressed upon regarding the importance of quality and care is taken to provide the medical transcription team with the right support and resources to enable quality medical transcription.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!   

To avail outsourced medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Medical transcription services: Helping improve the healthcare facility workflow

Like any other vital service, healthcare services need to have a structured workflow and are aided by quality inputs to produce desired results. In case of healthcare the desired results being providing quality care profitably while still meeting the regulatory norms that apply to the healthcare sector. There are many inputs that contribute to the healthcare process, one of the vital ones being information from patient medical records.

Patient medical records are a longitudinal record of the patient's medical history including all pertinent details regarding demographics, symptoms, diagnoses, tests/procedures, treatments and the progress made by the patient. A patient medical record is a valuable tool to make thorough diagnoses and act as the main source of information in case of emergency. Not only does the information in patient medical records provide valuable inputs for the process of care they also provide valuable support as evidence in case of litigation and the provide the base for coding and billing, which leads to reimbursement.

Medical transcription is the process of creating patient medical records of the patient- healthcare professional encounter from the audio narration of the healthcare professional. As the process of medical transcription requires specialized inputs in the form of the right team, the right process and the right technology, outsourcing the entire medical transcription process has been found to be an effective solution.  Apart from producing patient medical records that meet the quality criteria of accuracy, speed, security and being cost effective, outsourced medical transcription services also provide valuable support by helping improve the workflow of the healthcare facility.

How do outsourced medical transcription services help improve the workflow of healthcare facilities?
Medical transcription service providers have an intuitive understanding of the working of healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals. This understanding combined with their experience in serving the needs of healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities and their expertise in meeting the changing demands of the healthcare documentation sector, puts medical transcription service providers in a unique position to help improve the workflow of healthcare facilities.

Outsourced medical transcription services help improve the workflow of healthcare facilities by providing services that aid in the following:

  • Helping retain familiar working styles: In spite of many advances in technology leading to newer methods of documenting the patient encounter, healthcare professionals prefer the traditional method of dictation- transcription. Outsourced medical transcription service providers have facilitated the essence of this method documentation, while still enabling adoption of EMR/EHR. This method is not only cost effective it essentially enhances the productivity of healthcare professionals by allowing them to concentrate on the most important participant in the healthcare process – the patient!
  • Coping with varying volumes without compromising quality: It is impossible to predict the inflow of patients at any given time, therefore the medical transcription needs are also impossible to predict. Allotting extra resources for excess medical transcription needs and planning for productive usage of these resources during slack times can affect the regular workflow adversely. Moreover issues like slow turnaround time, poor quality documentation can lead to further complications. Outsourcing medical transcription provides a solution to all these issues by providing a one-stop solution for these issues while still maintaining accuracy and turnaround time.
  • Delivering transcripts through preferred modes: Outsourced medical transcription service providers specialize in customizing document delivery modes as per the preference and requirements of healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities, including HL7 interface to facilitate adoption of EMR/EHR
  • Meeting turnaround time: Apart from the accuracy of the information in the patient medical record one of the critical factor that affects both the process of care as well the reimbursement process is the turnaround time. Medical transcription service providers provide flexible turnaround time options, which aid in improving the workflow of healthcare facilities
  • Providing easy access to older transcripts: As the process of healthcare is a continuous one, it is important for outsourced medical transcription service providers to provide access of older transcripts to healthcare professionals and other support staff. This need is addressed by medical transcription service providers by providing archive facilities that are customized as per the needs of the healthcare professional for easy retrieval.
TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology to come up with medical transcription services that provide easy to use solutions for the needs of healthcare professionals and other staff of the healthcare facilities. TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, executed by experienced and qualified medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!               

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.